However, it was the impression that at least part of the fall could be due to anger due to the political activism of the General Director Tesla Elon Musk and the decision taken by the so -called government department under his leadership. From mid -February, the salon salon -shaped attracted protesters in about 100 cities in the USA, willingly informed passers -by about their feelings about Musk holding chain chains.
These large-natured protests on the sidewalk Mariachi teams, puppeteers and large cardboard cyber for decoration – it was organized by a website called TeslacedownAnd they attracted many media reports.
Alex Winter, based on Los Angeles Document-and the title account from the comedy in 1988 The perfect adventure of Bill and Teda—S The creator of the website. He tells Wired that the Teslacedown movement wants to refute musk: “Our goal is to devaluate the brand. It is a very simple and effective way so that people can get to the street and protest. “Winter says that the media relationship strengthens the message of the movement. “We want to spread verifiable, actual information about musk, dogs and why Tesla should be devalued.”
“Musk himself toxes the Tesla brand,” says Winter. “We just help him.”
Teslacedown began last month, started by On February 10, publishing at BlueSky By Joan DonovanDisinformation researcher and assistant to a professor of journalism and emerging media research at the University of Boston. “Come out and take part in the #Teslatakeover international picket locally,” she wrote, later agreeing with the change in the name of the movement.
“I asked myself what to do physically to raise consciousness [about Musk]? Well, I’m ready to go out on Saturdays and protest before the Tesla dealer – says Donovan Wired. “I made a leaflet and started circling it online. Alex saw my post and we started writing about what to do; All this combined very quickly. “
During the first demonstration in Boston there were 50 people on February 15. In the third week it increased to 300. “I met teachers, people working in public health, people who are retired, universities students – all Americans who want to see how Doge disappears,” says Donovan. “This is not only a strategic boycott of Tesla, it is a polyvocal protest in which many complaints are broadcast.”
Elon Musk and Tesla did not answer the requests for comment.
Erica ChenowethA political scientist at Harvard University, he studied over 300 contemporary uprisings around the world and said that the change usually becomes inevitable when justice 3.5 percent of the population Join the movement.
“Usually there are many more people who sympathize with movements than people who actively participate in them,” says Chenoweth Wired.
So maybe Teslacedown can work quickly? “Instead of thinking about how long it lasts,” he says – “I usually look for whether the movement raises pressure and rush with every later action.
“In the social sciences of these movements, many people talk about causing breaths – creating people in different pillars of support, they postpone their loyalty from the status quo. In the case of corporations, pillars may include shareholders, employees, suppliers, distributors, advertisers, consumers and people surrounding them. “
Loss of loyalty
These pillars can already show signs of instability. In Reddit, Tiktok, Facebook and even X posts began to arrange people who say that they abandon their Teslas. The singer Sheryl Crow was one of the more eminent among them who published a video on Instagram on Valentine’s Day Good riddance to her Tesla, which was expelled on a flat truck.
“There is a time when you have to decide who you are ready to adapt with. Such a long Tesla – she wrote, adding that she donated influence from the sale of the National Public Radio, because it was “threatened by President Musk.”