Texas Health Authority warns against “Odra parts” as the explosion increases in Western Texas at least 146 caseswith 20 hospitalized and One unvaccinated school -age child dead. The explosion is still mainly in unvaccinated children.
In a press briefing led by City of Lubbock in Texas on Friday Ron Cook, Health Director at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in LubBock, he offered a warning to Texans in his opening statements.
“I want you to hear: it’s not good to go to Odra’s parties, because what can happen – we can’t predict who is doing badly from the Odra, be hospitalized, potentially gets pneumonia or encephalitis and leave from it,” said Cook. “It’s a stupid idea for the Odra party. The best thing is to make sure you are well vaccinated. “
Lubbock sits about 90 miles northwest of the explosion epicenter Gaineswhich is one of the least vaccinated poviats of the state. He reported 98 out of 146 explosion cases. While Lubbock reported only two out of 146 cases, patients from other countries were treated in Lubbock. This covers the first two cases in the explosion, as well as a child who died of infection at the beginning of this week, which was not a resident of Lubbock.
It is not clear that any options are available in Gaines or elsewhere. “It was mainly … a conversation in social media,” Cook said in response to the following question ARS. He noticed that the events of the Odra and Wind Spore were more common practices of decades before vaccines for both diseases were available. But he warned against dangers again. “Please, don’t do it. It’s just stupid; He plays roulette – he said.
Cook, together with the Director of Public Health or Katherine Wells, said that they see no end in the explosion, which includes nine poviats in Texas, many of which have low vaccination indicators. “This explosion will develop,” Wells said, refusing to forecast how high the number of cases may be after the reporter raised the possibility of several hundred.
Until now, 116 of 146 cases is under 18, and 46 is 4 or less. Only five out of 146 were vaccinated with at least one dose of measles, pigs and roses (MMR).
The news
More positively, Wells announced that the epidemic seemed to sway some vaccine-hasitants’ parents to instill their children. Only yesterday in Lubbock over 50 children entered the municipal clinic for the Odra vaccines. Eleven these children had switches off vaccines, which means that their parents had previously underwent a state process to slow down their child from the need to receive routine vaccines for children. “What is a really good sign; This means that our message comes out there, ”said Wells.
Until now, in an explosion that broke out at the end of January, news about the disease and the importance of vaccinations comes only from state and local authorities. Centers for dissease control and prevention only released short statement At the end of Thursday, which was not sent by the agency’s press distribution list. However, it was noted that “vaccination remains the best defense against measles infection.”
During the Wednesday meeting of the US Secretary of Health and lawyer against vaccination Robert F. Kennedy Jr. They answered the question about the explosion, offering various wrong information. Kennedy disregarded the explosion, falsely claiming that “this is not unusual.” In fact, this is an extraordinary year for the Odra in the USA. As noted by epidemiologist Katelyn Jelina on BlueSky, the number of American cases this year was already has exceeded the total number of cases from eight from the previous 15 years. And it’s only February.