Novel research with The team at Harvard Center for Astrophysics suggests that a huge Magellland cloud, a dwarf galaxy adjacent to a milky road, organizes a gravitational structure hundreds of thousands of times a mass of sun: potential supermassive black hole.
The most accepted theory of galactic evolution includes that supermassive black holes occur only in the largest galaxies, such as the Milky Way. Until now, there was no reason to imagine that a tiny cluster, like a huge Magelllanka cloud, can host her. When x -rays telescopes or observatories were trained on smaller clusters, such as a huge Magelllanka cloud, they did not find any signatures related to the activity of a black hole.
But then hyperverobat stars appeared. For almost 20 years, astronomers have noticed rapidly traveling stars with sufficient acceleration to throw out of their own galaxies. While the customary star moves at a speed of about 100 kilometers per second, the star of hyperverobnism travels to 10 times faster. Experts believe that such stars appear that they are “catapulted out” by a super -massive gravitational structure under the mechanism of hills – in this binary system of stars interacts with a black hole, with one star captured by a black hole and the other rejected from her.
In the Milky Way, there are stars of hyperwelicity that probably arose here. Research suggests that they were accelerated by a A*shooter, a super -massive black hole in the center of the galaxy. But at least 21 detected excessive stars are consistent with throwing a super -massive black hole, but it cannot be associated with the internal activity of the milk road. In the syndrome simulations, it is likely that these stars come from a huge magellanic cloud.
For the team led by Jiwon Jesse Han, this is one of the first main evidence for the presence of a super -massive black hole in our neighboring galaxy of dwarves. According to the initial calculations of the syndrome, this black hole structure can range from 251,000 to 1 million sun masses. The average mass would be 600,000 times larger than the sun.
Test– which is currently recruiting, but you should be published in the Astrophysical journal – the data used from the mission of the European Space Agency Gaia, which aims to map millions of stars to calculate their movement.
Of course, there may be other explanations of this phenomenon. Stars escaping from galaxies can also come from a supernova or other energy mechanism robust enough to throw them away. The authors of the article, however, explain that it does not seem that this is the case with hyperwelic stars that seem to come from a huge Magellland cloud.
A huge magellanic cloud is an irregularly shaped galaxy circulating around the Milky Way, along with other dwarf stars clusters, such as Strzelca, Carina or Draco. It is 163,000 lithe years from Earth and has a diameter of about 14,000 lithe years. Astronomers believe that in the distant future – in about 2.4 billion years – a huge Magelllan cloud and Milky Way will connect into one larger cluster, along with other larger structures, such as Andromedy’s galaxy. Experts believe that the connection process will be leisurely and in the planetary scale will not be any problems.
This story originally appeared Wired in Spanish and was translated from Spanish.