The meta universally triggers the ability to AI Chatbot to “remember” some details about you, such as your diet preferences or interests, the company said in Blog post on Monday. Then he will exploit your previous conversations, in addition to details from Facebook and Instagram accounts, to provide more appropriate recommendations.
The META first began to implement a memory function for its AI Chatbot last year, but now it will be available on Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp on iOS and Android in the USA and Canada. Although you can tell Meta AI to remember some things, such as those you love to travel, “will also” choose essential details based on the context. “
For example, if Meta AI provides a recipe containing meat, and you answer that you are a vegan, chatbot will adjust your future answers to give your preferences.
Together with these “memories”, Meta AI on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram will provide a “higher level of personalization”, using information from your accounts on each platform, including age, gender and “interests based on your activity”, According to the technical support side, Meta.
As the finish noted, if you ask his chatbot for something cool to do with his family, Meta AI could take advantage of your home location listed in the Facebook profile, as well as recently appointed drums. Asked if you can turn off personalization, Meta spokesman Emil Vazquez said that the company does not offer at the moment resignation from these functions “, adding that” we think the best experiences are personalized “.
The meta says that AI will only remember things in one -on -one conversations, not in group chats, and that you can remove his memories “at any time.” Chatbots such as Chatgpt and Google Gemini already have a similar function.
Update, January 27: More information from the finish has been added.