The BBC reports Apple will change the way iPhone and other devices display summarized Apple Intelligence notifications to make it clearer for users as AI technology adjusts the words. Shortly after the still-in-beta feature launched in the UK in December, the news organization complained about how he rewrote a headline about the UnitedHealthcare shooting suspect, wrongly suggesting that the BBC had reported that Luigi Mangione had shot himself.
Since then, according to the BBC, Apple’s recaps have incorrectly transcribed app notifications that listed the winner of the PDC World Darts Championship before the event began and falsely claimed that Rafael Nadal had come out as gay. “These AI summaries produced by Apple do not reflect – and in some cases completely contradict – original BBC content,” the article says.
The BBC reports that Apple said in a statement: “A software update in the coming weeks will further clarify when text displayed is a summary provided by Apple Intelligence.”
Apple Intelligence had its entertaining moments, but there were also some shocking failures, such as when a text message reading “this trip almost killed me” was summarized as a “suicide attempt.”
Apple told the BBC that receiving summaries is optional. If you want to apply this option, you can disable this feature or change the apps that apply it by going to Settings > Notifications > Summarize Notifications.