Yesterday morning a billionaire Los Angeles Times Owner Patrick Shell-Shiong He published a letter For readers informing them that the outlet now uses artificial intelligence to add “voices” to the articles that adopt “attitude” or are “written from a personal perspective”. He said that these articles can also get a set “Fight” generated by AI which appear at the bottom as points, including some marked as “different views on this topic”.
“Voices are not limited to the content of the opinion section,” writes Soon-Shiong, “also contains news, criticism, reviews and many others. If the song takes a position or is written from a personal perspective, it can be marked. “He also says:” I think that providing more various points of view supports our journalistic mission and will help readers move on the issues that this nation is facing. “
The messages were not well received by Times Union members. In a statement Reported by The Hollywood ReporterIN Vice-chairman of La Times Guild, Matt Hamilton, said that the union supports some initiatives to assist readers separate information reports from the opinion, “but we do not think that this is an approach-an analysis generated by AI by AI incompatible by editorial staff-will dispose of a lot to increase the media.”
It was only a day, but the change already generated some dubious results. The Guardian indicates March 1 Times Work song on the danger related to unregulated exploit of artificial intelligence to create content for historical documents. At the bottom of the fresh tool and the mouth claims that the story “is generally in line with the central left point of view” and suggests that “AI democratizes the historical story of stories.”
The observations to the bottom were apparently added February 25 Times history About the cities of California, which were chosen by Klux Klan members in their city councils in the 1920s. One of the renovated, generated by AI, designated by AI views of missiles is that local historical relations sometimes painted the clan as a “product of” white Protestant culture “reacting to social changes, not hate -based movement, minimizing its ideological threat.” It’s true like an author points to xBut it seems that he is awkwardly presented as a counterpoint to establish a story-that the faded heritage of the clan in Anaheim, California lives in school segregation, anti-immigration and local neo-Nazi teams.