When a supplier’s organization can employ artificial intelligence to support remove opioids from the outpatient surgery and prevent stroke in children, its benefits in the clinical space are hard to quarrel. But achieving these goals requires an clever and intentional approach to the implementation and integration of AI.
Dr. Zafar Chaudry is a digital and main director of AI and an information officer at Seattle Children’s. He runs clinical and IT teams that are designed to do these achievements and more.
Healthcare I talked to Chaudra to a two -part interview. Today, in the first part, he talks about how he came to the role of the main officer AI, which in his origin and specialist knowledge is suitable for work – and what is expected from him in this position when technology is still developing.
Tomorrow, in the second part, Chaudry will discuss many different ways of distributing AI in Seattle Children’s and the results that are already accumulating the investment of the healthcare system.
Q: How did he approach children from Seattle to become his main officer AI? What were they looking for?
AND. For us in children it was more evolution. I was in children from Seattle. This is my eighth year. I started here as a CIO, I have evolved to the Director of Digital Information, and this is evolution, because what we learned in our journey in technology that we went through things, just repair, to be more proactive, to be at the forefront of how we provide technological services to our clinics and our patients and our parents.
This is evolution. I don’t think AI is a fresh concept. It has been for a long time. I was turned to a fresh role. It was more how my role evolves with what I and my team do. We moved from these retrospective elements to more proactive elements.
Q: Is this your first post in history where AI enters the main kingdom? And what makes it good to be the director of AI in your background?
AND. This is absolutely my first role that has the title of AI. I think that what makes me fit it is that I am a vigorous doctor. So I didn’t start traveling in the technology industry. I started my journey, looking after patients, understanding what healthcare looks like, and then, how I tell people, annoying the gloomy side and joining the field of technology.
The source of travel, in which I see that AI introduces us and adds it to the title, means that I am more a business -oriented leader who tries to solve real problems compared to someone who runs data centers or repair people’s laptops. Because I think we’ve evolved, that we went through a lot of time and money for equipment and software to the place where we are now How do you actually employ tools to bring the true front-end value for patients you serve with?
I was on this trip with my team. We not only manage these goods elements, but also manage elements of analytics, and now AI elements. I think Looking at the director of AI does not apply to technology. The technology that you can buy from many suppliers. It’s more around how you employ it to bring your organization to the services provided. The impact you can have.
I spend time thinking about the tools we would have. Then what impact will he have on the front of the services we offer. Can we offer services faster, slimmer, faster and, most importantly, with the best results we can provide? Because you basically bring your child to our organization, and what you expect is not technology. You expect your child to leave the organization well, because that’s what people want.
This is what parents and guardians want. AI is an ingredient that allows you to look at things in a different way and provide potentially better results.
Q: Describe a part of your work in Seattle Children’s. What does he expect from you? And in more detail, what is a typical day for you?
AND. When we started a journey around AI, before we reached the technological song, we had to focus on people and processes. The way we dealt with it, how we train everyone on the tools that we define as artificial intelligence? Everyone is now taking the AI course in Seattle Children’s.
How do we provide the rules that you employ the right tools and do not lose data that you should not lose, because sometimes we like to place data in the wrong places, and this could be a risk? We have a policy around artificial intelligence.
And how do we review requests around artificial intelligence, so we build the right tools? So my work is associated with the first setting of everything we have done. But did we buy the right tools every day? Are the tools safely safe and sound? And do we allow our clinicians to employ these tools in the way they want to employ these tools?
Our main partnership is here Google in AI space. We spent a lot of time, taking all our analytical platforms and transferring them to Google Cloud.
We have just finished a immense project in this space because it set the base line. Now we are in the process of configuring Google Gemini AI to perform certain cases of clinical employ. Some are almost ready for the best time. Immediately we will release twins for internal employ for our employees, in which you can, in some trust in a safe and sound environment, you can employ this tool to hope to improve performance, but also allow you to focus on working on the patient’s care compared to administrative work.
Watch now: Chief AI officer for children in Seattle says better technology results