Friday, February 28, 2025

The United States can start vaccinating chicken against bird flu


In the United States, poultry vaccinations would probably focus on chickens folding eggs, unlike broiler chickens, which are brought up on meat. During the current explosion, over 77 percent of the affected domestic poultry were commercial eggs. In the press release of the USDA Rollins said that the agency is considering a “targeted and thoughtful strategy” of vaccinations.

But the broiler chicken industry is worried that even a targeted chicken chicken would hurt the USA, which is the second largest exporter of poultry meat. Ashley Peterson, senior vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs at the National Chicken Council, claims that other countries probably prohibit all American poultry products, even if the US only vaccinates gluing. “When you go to the vaccine, you basically say that the virus is endemic and we will deal with it so,” he says. “We would prefer not to deal with the virus. We would prefer to eliminate it completely. “

The organization supports the current USDA policy regarding the abundance of infected herds, as well as increasing biological safety on farms – fashion, such as quaranty of newly purchased animals, wearing protective clothing in poultry homes, disinfection of footwear before entering animal areas and cleaning farms.

But Carol Cardon, Professor Avian Health at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, claims that biological security itself will not eliminate the flu. “Farmers are so tired of listening to biological security because they do everything they can,” he says. “Without additional information on how these birds are infected, it is very difficult to properly focus biological security.”

The virus can be transferred and out of the barn of poultry on shoes, clothes and equipment that moves and poultry. Mice, rats and other compact mammals can also move the virus.

Cardon says that with such a wide disease, because the limitation of explosions will take more than one strategy. “We fought with this fight with one hand behind our backs and I think there are other tools,” he says. “We need to create new methods to keep it from afar, and some of this will require this vaccination.”

Even if vaccination does not always prevent infection, Lorenzoni claims that it will continue to assist reduce the amount of virus circulating in the environment, which slowed down the spread of the disease to more farms.

And trade interference can be compact. Rollins said that USDA would cooperate with trading partners to limit the impact on the export of freight markets from potential vaccination. Lorenzoni claims that other markets will be pressure so that there is a profitable international exchange of poultry. “It is in the best interest to move as soon as possible, thanks to these commercial contracts,” he says.

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