Sunday, February 23, 2025

2025: AI increases personalized care; Caregiver’s experience in the attention center


Valerie Reich, vice president for healthcare strategy in Hero Digital, a company dealing in the involvement and optimization of processes, believes that this year there will be three basic changes in the healthcare industry.

First of all, AI, so far known in healthcare in the field of performance, will begin to play a large role in accelerating medical progress and increasing personalized care – without increasing the burden for people providing healthcare.

Secondly, patients will look for healthcare systems that support them holistically, because they more and more often understand the strength of their health data, both in terms of predictive possibilities and the ability to personalize treatment plans.

Thirdly, this year he focuses on the experience of the guardian along with the patient’s experience.

Extended AI party

Healthcare providers used AI tools in 2024; However, significant focused on management, and many cases of apply focused on operational performance. This year, we will start to watch how healthcare employees expand the admission of artificial intelligence to other spaces, such as patients’ involvement and clinical trials, predicted Reich.

“AI will transfer cases of using the efficiency of the past and will begin to play a big role in accelerating medical progress and increasing personalized care – without increasing the load for healthcare providers,” she said.

“In particular, in the field of care for the patient AI, he will transform the involvement of patients by segmenting patients with similar symptoms, analyzing nuances between each patient and providing personalized care plans-earlier a time-consuming process for practitioners,” she added.

Industry leaders, such as Epic, are launching AI agents who assess the patient’s progress on a specific treatment path and recommend subsequent steps for the individual – by unlocking a fresh way of providing personalized vast -scale medicine. She said that these progress in AI tools and evolution in the case of more targeted cases of apply would not only improve the results of patients, but significantly reduce the burden of care teams.

“We will continue to see the progress in the use of AI in clinical trials, because it enables researchers to analyze data sets faster than ever before, maintaining a unique level of precision,” she explained. “This increased effectiveness will speed up the development and provision of fresh treatment methods and encourage more healthcare leaders to collect data sets to discover critical trends and insights – just like Cancer Ai Alliance.

“In practice, this means that practitioners are able to identify specific patients’ groups and can use AI analytical capabilities to improve the generation of hypotheses, thus improving financing proposals,” she continued.

2025 will be a key year for artificial intelligence in healthcare, because the industry sees that more health care organization is adopting technology to augment the innovation and change of industry.

Combined services and technology for the patient

Healthcare is located on the edge of a transformation change, in 2025, the industry will go further to the combined network of services designed around the consumer. They take over more control over their care and call for greater transparency in this process, moving from passive recipients to busy decision -makers.

“Because consumers are increasingly understanding the strength of their health data, both in terms of their predictive capabilities and the ability to personalize treatment plans, they are looking for healthcare systems that support them holistically,” she noted.

“Emerging technologies, such as fitness watches and mobile health applications, can provide consumers with insight into their health, as a result of which we have seen a clear change in how they perceive health and well -being perceive,” she continued. “They are looking for services that support this proactive and personalized approach to healthcare and will look for suppliers who meet these needs.”

As a result, the industry will begin to start a deeper cooperation between niche service providers and customary healthcare systems – for example, Amazon partnership with specialist services of the Maven Clinic and Talkspace and extended Apple functions regarding sleep apnea and hearing aids.

“Because this trend gives themselves revaluation, suppliers must adapt,” she said. “They should optimize their services and make sure that they can easily integrate with digital ecosystems, and then proactively searching for partnerships that support the integrated network of services. He also calls for a change in the way of thinking – because patients are no longer observers of their care, this is necessary or transparent in relation to patients and consistently iterate services and treatments that take into account consumer feedback. “

Patient’s experience and caregiver’s experience

With a rapid augment in aging population – over 11,000 Americans qualify for Medicare Daily – this year they focus on the experience of the guardian along with the patient’s experience. He is worried that most of the talks around healthcare focused on the patient’s experience, home health and care for seniors.

“Many seniors consist in family or friends members in order to support them in their medical care, including planning and transporting to meetings,” she noted. “In this case, there are other people involved in the treatment process, and these people often juggle many other aspects of their lives outside the care of a loved one.

“They are probably also frequent technology users and are increasingly expecting that digital experiences will alleviate the burden of everyday life and care responsibilities,” she continued. “It is important that healthcare suppliers transform personities to turn on the guardian to make sure they have realistic, empathic and concentrated understanding of their needs and challenges related to patient’s care.”

This allows suppliers to understand, most importantly at every stage of treatment for everyone involved in the process, regardless of whether it is awareness, commitment or conversion, she added. Then the supplier can analyze its current contact points – websites, applications, telephone centers – to optimize these moments of interaction and make him convenient for the patient and guardian, she said.

“To solve this gap, organizations will develop digital platforms and tools that use artificial intelligence to personalize and optimize care coordination,” she said. “Guardians need flexibility, comfort and reminders to move in the care of their loved ones – technology is a switching on, and data providers collect grounds for service.

“Using the view based on data, suppliers can fit by combining patients and guardians with appropriate suppliers, while improving decisions and coordination of care,” she concluded. “It can also help healthcare organizations in developing content adapted especially for carers, including guides for managing chronic diseases, tools for tracking health indicators and advice on moving around the healthcare system.”

This will reduce relying on dated methods, such as phone calls, and create a more proficient and adapted impressions for carers, summed Reich.

Watch now: Tech increases long -term communication and administrative processes

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